I want to take you on my journey from being unskilled to be at least decent at finding stocks and having the conviction to support the decision at all times.

I am like most of you. I have made all textbook mistakes – investing all savings at once, in obscure stocks, by following the herd, not knowing what I was doing. Above all, I lost money many times. Technically, All was not lost. I was learning bit by bit. I am here to simplify this process for new investors, and in doing so, I want to better myself. This is my journey & I want you to come along to make it worthwhile.

Click here to learn about my misadventures.

You can expect to learn a bit about investing, setting your goals and being level-headed in good times, and being optimistic in the worst of times. I will trace down my own mistakes & learnings in the hope of never repeating them and, in the process, becoming a savvy investor.

Click here to learn about the very first step and the crux of why invest.

“One of the best ways to learn from mistakes is to learn from the mistakes of others. Learning from others’ mistakes is cost-free. Other investors lose money as well, so you don’t have to learn the same lessons with your own money.”

Charli Munger

My misadventures led me to create my own investing principles, and I jotted some of them down. Read Here.

In my blog, I applied my principles and knowledge in evaluating businesses. Here are some of the recent posts.

This company has a lot of big names associated with it. Deep value investors like Warren Buffet, who owns ~5% of the company, to Cathy Wood of Ark investment, known for stocks on steroids. It only pre…

I call every RVC “Roomba” irrespective of their brand. For me & a couple of my friends, Roomba is synonymous with RVC, and being synonymous is a beautiful thing. They are the market le…